Friday 17 November 2017

Aristotle's Poetic

1) How far do you agree with Plato’s objection to freedom of expression and artistic liberty enjoyed by creative writers? Name the texts (novels, plays, poems, movies, TV soaps etc which can be rightfully objected and banned with reference to Plato’s objections)

Yes, I'm agree with Plato. We know that some tv soaps are totally weird and idiotic, by seeing that type of tv soaps we must think that plato's objection is really true. Some types of immoral acts should be totally banned. Plato in his book The republic says that poets misguide people and they provoke evil ideas in people' s mind. Hence they should be banished from the ideal state. I would like to give some examples, most of the children like to watch 'Cartoon'. I have found some T.V serial which are totally immoral. Like 'Doremon', after watching the Doremon Children become slothful. Because Nobita (character) is lazy boy, who everytime playing a game and he does not interest in study and Doremon everytime Help him with his non sence gadget. Thus, childern attract them and became a slothful to them study. 

2) With reference to the literary texts you have studied during B.A. programme, write brief note on the texts which followed Aristotelian literary tradition (i.e. his concept of tragedy, catharsis, tragic hero with hamartia etc)

I was studied one tragedy of Shakespeare that was 'Hamlet'. In that tragedy Shakespeare use and follow Aristotelian tragedy. In that the hero was follow rules and regulation of Aristotelian tragedy which is given by Aristotle. In that protagonist of the play is full of Hamartia that Hamlet not decide to right time on right place and not a hero of action that way Shakespeare use Aristotelian tragedy.

3) With reference to the literary texts you have studies during B.A. programme, write brief note on the texts which did NOT follow Aristotelian literary tradition. (i.e. his concept of tragedy, catharsis, tragic hero with hamartia etc.)

I was also studied one play during my B.A. that was Measure For Measure there was Shakespeare not followed Aristotelian tragedy in that protagonists have no any kind of Hamartia and there was a tragedy but not full of tragedy. That way in this play protagonists not in catharsis also. That way in this play Shakespeare not followed Aristotelian tragedy.

4) Have you studied any tragedies during B.A. programme? Who was/were the tragic protagonist/s in those tragedies? What was their ‘hamartia’?

I was studied 'Hamlet' in that protagonists of the play is Hamlet. Hamlet's Hamartia is that he was not man of action. He always in dilemma that what he do next. And he also think over that " To be or not To be that's the question." that way his Hamartia we can find. His one weakness is moral weakness. That way in that play I was find Hamartia in the protagonists of the play.

5) Did the ‘Plot’ of those tragedies follow necessary rules and regulations proposed by Aristotle? (Like chain of cause and effect, principle of probability and necessity, harmonious arrangement of incidents, complete, certain magnitude, unity of action etc)

 In the tragedy of Samson Antagonists there were writer express and follow all features which is given by Aristotle.There was a complete plot,action,all the thing.That way I was found feature of Aristotelian tragedy.

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