Tuesday 2 January 2018

I.A. Richard

  • Do verbal analysis of the poem / song / film song lyric / hymns / devotional songs or any poetic expression in any language. Keep in mind the kinds of misunderstanding discussed in the essay 'Figurative Language'

                       Recently we learn I.A. Richard's Practical Criticism. I.A. Richard was given invaluable contribution to English Literature. He was staunch advocate of a close textual and verbal study and analysis of a work of art. Figurative language is the use of words in an unusual or imaginative manner. Often figurative language involves the use of metaphors, similes, personification, idiom etc. If you are figuratively jumping for joy, it means you are so happy that you could jump for joy, but are saving your energy for other matters. I would like to give some example of the Song, Bhajan, Poem..

1) હંસલા હાલો ને હવે મોતીડાં નહીં રે મળે..

खड़ो नदी से पारधी,

और लागियो नदी से बाण,

तो में तुझसे पुछु ऐ सखी,

कैसे छूटे प्राण कैसे छूटे प्राण ।

जल खोडो और नेह रणो,

ये ही इसको प्रमाण,

तू पि तू पि करत रहे,

ये से छूटे प्राण ऐ से छूटे प्राण।

આ તો ઝાંઝવાના પાણી,

માયા જૂઠી રે બંધાણી,

મોતીડાં નહીં રે જડે,

હંસલા હાલો ને હવે મોતીડાં નહીં રે જડે....

ધીમે ધીમે પ્રીતિ કેરો દીવડો પ્રગટાવીયો,

એને રામના રાખોપા માંગી ચૂંદડીમાં ઢાંકીયો,

ઓ.... વાયરો વાયો રે ઢંકાર...

માથે મેહુલિયા નો માર, દીવડો નહીં રે બળે....

હંસલા હાલો ને હવે મોતીડાં નહીં રે મળે.....

                   In this folk song 'હંસલા હાલો ને હવે..' is very controversial Bhajan because of the words are chosen far fetched and also a theme of Love and also death. We are confused when we Liston this. The first stanza of this poem is.. 'खड़ो नदी से पारधी, और लागियो नदी से बाण,तो में तुझसे पुछु ऐ सखी,कैसे छूटे प्राण कैसे छूटे प्राण ।' its means when He/she saw his lover in first time., He/she fall in Love but however it is in one side love. Thus the lover want to die but how he /she died because he loves her and how he can leave alone. How his soul got a heaven. Above is the Love point of view. In another(Death)point of view, after her/his patner death how the he/she can live.? I think it song indicate the rotten system of 'sati'. When her husband when was died after whole world like a dust, all the religion all the relation is like a soul without body. Here Poet has not accurately say about love or death. In this two line,' આ તો ઝાંઝવાના પાણી, માયા જૂઠી રે બંધાણી,મોતીડાં નહીં રે જડે ધીમે ધીમે પ્રીતિ કેરો દીવડો પ્રગટાવીયો,એને રામના રાખોપા માંગી ચૂંદડીમાં ઢાંકીયો,ઓ.... વાયરો વાયો રે ઢંકાર...માથે મેહુલિયા નો માર, દીવડો નહીં રે બળે....' in love point of view, when he gets courage go to propose but however she reject him. So he lover has totally broken heart and he also try to save his story he also uses black magic, prayer to Gods but his and her castle system and society do not accept them so she reject him. Finally he totally broken and he said whenever he spent his invaluable time for her and whatever he lost for her it all are worthless. Now he could not face his religion and his own self. He also know that she did not reject if them society has accepted.. in death point of view, may be poet here talk about 'the Sati', because society have forcefully became her sati. And said that still your husband has lives you can live as a 'Suhagan'. But now it all ઝાંઝવાના પાણી' (Mirage) its means whatever you wear, whatever you rouge now it all are worthless because your husband was your world and now he died so your world has finished......
                        Thus, the poet of this poem has used metaphor to describe the emotion of love and religious and also our society and also the rotten system of sati pratha'.

2 ) રાખી શકાય by રાધિકા પટેલ

જોઈને પણ ધ્યાનમાં રાખી શકાય,
આંખને પણ કાનમાં રાખી શકાય,

વેદના પરણાવવા ચાલીયા તમે ?
આંસુઓને ધ્યાનમાં રાખી શકાય.

ટેવનો તું જાતમાં ઉછેર કર,
એ પછી સંતાનમાં રાખી શકાય.

યુદ્ધ મોટા ભાગના ટાળી શકાય,
જીભને જો મ્યાનમાં રાખી શકાય.

                        This poem is very long but I choose some line of her poem. This poem is very longer and deep meaning found. She use here historical sense like મ્યાન, યુદ્ધ, સંતાન, ટેવ, વેદના etc. The first stanza she talk about the human being she said that whatever we see, it can wrong. Whatever we heard it can be lie. There were no question about doubt. In the end of the poem she talk about the war of Mahabharat. She said that If Dropadi has not used her tongue, the War have not done.

ક્યાં સુધી ચાલશે આ તારું આ મારુ,
મળિયું છે જીવન આ અનેરું,
'મેહુલ' તું તો પ્રેમને તો પામી ના શકીયો,
અરે.. તું તો 'મિત્રો' ને પણ સમજી ના શકીયો.

                                   In this little sayari is written by me, in this sayari he talk about fail in love and also relation. When someone is in love he could not give a time to his friends and also his family. When his friends know about her lover personally. Friend tries knowing her reality to him. But he does not try Liston them voice. When she scab him that time he realize her reality. There he feels guilty.
                   thus, The figurative language is a study of close reading, at first reading without any knowledge about any work we can not come to exact meaning of literature. It shows that to understand literary work one must have the knowledge of language, emotive sense, historical sense, social Sense also, because  writer writes satirical works also. After looking this things we can say that without all the sense they can't able to understand proper meaning of literary works.