Monday 24 September 2018

Modernist Poetry

The Modernist Poem

Modernist Poetry in English literature has started in the 20th literature with the appearance of the Imagists. Still some of the modern poet also wrote in reaction to the perceived excesses excesses of Victorian poetry, with its emphasis on traditional Formalism and ornate diction. 

Modern Poetry's Characteristic

- Individual perspective came in the existence. 
- Development in Science and politics .
- Stream of consciousness seemed. 
- Experiments became necessary. 
- More question seemed open ending. 
- Loss of faith. 
- Chaos also takes place. 
- Passion for humanity. 
- Marxist influence. 
- Art for life's sake. 

1. T.E. Hulme 's The Embankment : 

The Embankment is the modern poem by T.E. Hulme. In this poem, Hulme is talk about falling of man. How man's thought work, how lust (Negative thought) leads man towards the decayed, because of this kind of addiction his life is now became totally dull and now the question arises of existenve. so the hopeless man prays to the God to gice the shelter of sky. or we can interpret that may be he wants t die or tries to hide himself.

2. Joseph Campbell 's Darkness :

One can find a beautiful use of modern image in this poem such as 'Boghole' and also the modern metaphor like 'Silver ribbon'. In darkness everything is invisible. this poem was written during 20th century. there was great impact of two world wars. and perhaps darkness indicates the horror and terror of wars. in this condition poet wants the light. but there is no ultimate solution of darkness(War). it is just an illusion and that is 'Silver ribbon' so poet look at it and made a poem.

3. Image- by Edward Storer

In this poem, poet used the symbol of "white moon" as it connects the heart of two lover, but poet here used it in opposite side that it burns lovers and they can't chaste with each other. Their loneliness is there though they are together. So, here we can interpret that modernist think that we all are alone in crowd.

4."In a station of the Metro" - Ezra Pound

The word of title, “Metro” is clearly suggests the hasty lifestyle of modern civilization." Apparition" is modern metaphor which is given to the human faces.In second line it connects the man with nature..This poem evokes the mortality of human life.. “These faces in the Crowd” suggests,that they are together but isolated."Petals on a wet"is a modern image.The metaphor of “wet, black bough” suggests that they are from same tree which are constantly moving,growing and changing...

5. Hlida Doolittle , H.D : " The Pool "

This poem is one of the most famous and widely discussed imagist poems. It about face to face with her reflection in the water of a rock pool. The speaker spots something in the pool , wonders it is alive , touches it . It like a sea - fish , then covers with a net . She wondering what this thing is,

Are you alive ? : self - discover , reflection which is banded one .

6. “Insouciance”- Richard Aldington

This poem has many contrasting images. There has shown the ups and downs of human life. In our life we do unwillingly some work without any purpose so we get failure. Here these two words "trudging" and "cheerity" gives the image of life.

7. Morning at the Window by T. S. Eliot

The whole poem has negative words. The word "Ratting" means vibrating shaking plates. Damp means in low spirits from loss of hope or courage.

8. the red wheelbarrow by William carols Williams

this poem 's title is established to the word of wheelbarrow , its ' small cart , then the small cart is using to ground and this cart was related nature so in this poem see to type of emotion negative and positive .

9. Anecdote of the jar by Wallace Stevens.

Anecdote of the Jar is an imagist poem in which Stevens explores the question of the superiority between art and nature: Is nature superior to human creations, or does human creativity surpasses nature in some way? This is an age-old and puzzling question. This poem solves the riddle by recognizing the unique differences between art and nature: art may sometimes be more beautiful than nature but it cannot be as creative as the nature.

10. “I, by E.E Cummings

Cummings was an American poet, painter, essayist, author and play wright. Structure of poem also suggest fall by loneliness as many characters are separated from each other and for make a word they have to be together. Here poet talks about leaf which is lonely means all other lives are already left the tree. Tree is barren and the only leaf is remain which also falls because of loneliness. This poem also shows that how a lonely human can not survive. It also reminds me the short story by O’ Henry, “The Last Leaf” that how the last leaf is symbol of hope and it falls the hope also dies. May be here poet also wants to talk about dead hope.

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