Tuesday 18 September 2018

Thinking activity Poe's Short stories.

01. Recollect a moment of your life when you were at the height of ferocity (anger) on someone with/without some specific reason. What did you feel like speaking to or doing with that person?

During My B.A journey, I reached the height of Ferocity, because I like someone and she rejected me and I could not tell her so I started to write and express my feeling through poem and short-story. Today I published in Matrubharti and became a Author of Matrubharti. I became anger because I rejected my Engagement for her and I had to face family problems. I could not forget this situation in my life, After these yet I do not reach at that height of ferocity. 

02. Have you ever felt tremendous drive to hit or murder someone? When? Why? How? Elucidate.

No, I never feel that but When I feel sad I started writing and do something with my pen. I do not drive to hit or murder but blame myself. But I never wish to Hit and Murder someone.

03. Have you ever felt like committing suicide? Was it just a passing thought or you were serious? What propelled you to think so? Describe your experience (although momentary) of suicidal tendency.

Sometime I felt that but I don't practice. It is just my thought, tension. As I say I write so I put this situation in poem and short story. For examples,

04. Write about the scariest of your dreams. Have you ever cried or screamed by a bizarre and horrible nightmare? Elaborate.

Yes, once upon a time, I am in B.A programme. I saw (dream) that My mother is died, and I became a orphan, I sit beside her died body and cried. no one come at mother's last rites. That time I woke up from demembration, and cried a lot.

05. Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever undergone any experience of supernatural elements? Explain

I do not believe in Ghost and supernatural elements.


  1. Very honestly you have given all the answers, your point no.2 inspired me and it is the way to convert our weaknesses into strength.

  2. Yeah ! Good observation for self ......

    Reality of life one can discover by self is not that much tough but one who explores is really have more straight !!!!

    That I can see !!!

    Keep going ....
