Monday 18 March 2019

Interection with french professor

We have many assumptions in our mind regarding French people on the basis of our study. We have studied French history, including French Revolution, French colonialism, Yellow vest movement etc. The general result which we found is that there is much violence than peace. But this is not with the case of France only. In India also we can see the same situation. There are so many similarities between India and France.Surprisingly we get chance to interact with French professors from the University of Lorraine. Thanks to Prof. Kishore Joshi from Economics department who brings French professors for meaningful interaction. Prof. Saeed Paivandi and Prof. Fontanini Christine talk on various social, economical, political trends of France.

We get to chance interaction with French Professor. They come from Lorraine University France Prof.Saeed Paivandi and Prof.Fontanini Christine. They are talk on some topics like that social issues, Political trends and economical situation at them country. They also talk about the feminism and Ratio between the girls and boys in education and boys in the technical and engineering faculties. It's like situation of our country on this issues in the unemployment and education. Rich and poor people they also talks about the why this issues increase more because it's unequal distribution of wealth and you pay lesser salary an employee than you faced more difficulties with this kind of issues.

We are thankful to Dr. Dilip Barad Sir and also thanks to Kishor Joshi sir who brings them for interect with us. 

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