Monday 18 March 2019

Translation workshop by Vishal bhadani

It is fun to know more than one language. It is more fun to translate some thing from one to another language. Translation is an art, and on 1st January 2019, we try our hands on the art of translation. On that day we have one guest Dr. Vishal Bhadani, who is author and translator. He has one book named “Fictionalay”. This book is collection of Gujarati short stories.

I had read three short stories of 'Fictional' which are 'Mara Hath Ki Vath Nathi', 'Sansni and Ranjana' and 'Museum of Innocence'. All these stories are related to middle class people.

i) Mara hath ni wat nathi

In this story the writer covers all the basic things but the title itself is challenging. The title is a satire that even the thing is not in control of author still he has highlights all the basic things. He begins to describe or connect the outer things or problems of society with the different part of hands. Like palm, finger, thumb etc. He has connected various part of hand with different things of world wide like Vasco da gama, time, universe, Buddha, Lord Vishnu, Goddess Lakshmi etc. In this way he has connected things smartly. This is the way that how writer deals with society symbolically. Therefore this is highly symbolic work.

(2)Innosense Museum: -

The title represents the modern world. But reality is different .This story is completely paradoxical to the title. This story is about the villagers. There is a letter from Istanbul to the village. In this letter, Istanbul wants the innocent thing to be a new 'music of innocence'. All villagers have become curious that they will send innocent things to Istanbul. After a lot of talk, when he did not find any answer like old slogan doshi.She used to speak only the language of satirical, hence its name is used as a symbol. After a lot of thinking he gets the solution and sends the fruit of the banayan tree.

After the introduction of story we have session of translation in which Vishal sir spoke about the job opportunities in the field of translation. Translation is very tough but the greatest work. We had done one task of translating phrase also. Legal translation is best than any other translation. There is joy in translation. Sometimes simple phrase is translated in much joyous way. Some translations are very difficult and we find problem in searching the appropriate word for that, for example the mythological bird "Bharand" which have two faces is difficult to translate in English.

So overall it was very fruitful and interesting session of translation and of short stories. He has also given some ideas to work from home. It was great experience to meet some multi talented person. We are very thankful to Dr. Vishal Bhadani to visit our department and spend some time with us.

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