Monday 23 July 2018

OD 2 T.S Eliot and Nietzsche's Views

1) What are your views on the following image after reading 'The Waste Land'? Do you think that Eliot is regressive as compared to Nietzsche's views? or Has Eliot achieved universality of thought by recalling mytho-historical answer to the contemporary malaise?

Nietzsche's view point is 'God is Dead'. and he did not believe in God and any supernatural power he only believes in 'Superhuman", who believe in his/her own self and great will power. and the Eliot has deeply interested and believed in spirituality, Past and religion. I disagree that Eliot was regressive as compared to Nietzsche’s view. Eliot goes into the past but he was very much in present also. yes, of course Eliot achieved universality because whatever reason behind the poem, and whoever for him written this Poem, it does not matter but the reality is that the purpose of the poem is the peace of whole mankind.

2) What are your views regarding these comments? Is it true that giving free vent to the repressed 'primitive instinct' lead us to happy and satisfied life? or do you agree with Eliot's view that 'salvation of man lies in the preservation of the cultural tradition'?

yes, it is true that free vent to the repressed 'primitive instinct' lead us to happy and satisfied life, because of the Life is like Game of Ludo (board game), yes we can not change our destiny but we can change our lumbering through the past experience. If you press a spring and then if you just leave it, it will fall anywhere. spring like our personal past life. This ‘Primitive instincts’ may bring chaos in the society.

3)Write about allusions to the Indian thoughts in 'The Waste Land'. (Where, How and Why are the Indian thoughts referred?)

In ‘The Waste Land’ we can see that Eliot use the examples from India like, Upanishads, Buddhism or last line ‘Shantih... Shantih… Shantih.’ He also uses the river ‘Ganga’. He uses

Datta – to be giver
Dayadhvam – Pity, Sympathy
Damyata – Self Control

Monday 16 July 2018

Mario Vargas LIosa (OD)

Mario Vargas Llosa, the Peruvian novelist, was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 2010. His most recent novel is "The Neighborhood." He was interviewed for The World Post by Michael Skafidas, a journalist and professor of comparative literature at the City University of New York.

I would like most three idea is that....

1) Feminist Idea

He thinks it is right to denounce abuses against women. These abuses are everywhere, so I have total sympathy for this movement as far as it is for more justice, more democracy, more equality of opportunities for women and men. He rightly say that If you respect literature you must accept not only the very idealist, altruist vision of human beings but also the infernal vision of them.

2) Global Idea (Culture)

According to him culture that is totally global, without differences between East and West, we are all part of this new culture in which images are the great protagonists.

3) Literature

literature, devils are important too. Literature is a testimony of what we want to hide in the real word. This is the raison d’être of literature. You cannot attack literature for our vices and prejudices and stupidities.

Thank you.

Saturday 14 July 2018

Matilda Movie review

1) Matilda Movie review

Matilda is fantastic American child movie, which is based on educational institution and rotten concept of human mind. If we talk about the movie plot, we find many critical aspect like feminism, Orwellian idea, power and knowledge, superstition etc. According to me this movie betray child to read and reading habit is good. But here we find that superstition concept that led to child in different world which is not real. Some year ago, we found such incidents, like child committed suicides, and they jump on biggest building only for delusion that superman comes and save them.  If we talk about feminism, Matilda is a girl child, thus her parent has not take care. They only focus on money, fashion and boy child. They believe that she should work at home, she no need of education. Matilda started to use public library books for read but her parent dislike it. If she read books infont of her parent, they rend the book. In real life we find that many of students want to learn but they do not. Institution is a part of life, if they become agonise, how students will satisfy and how they pay attention of them study,and also habit of school ? Children have a blank sheet whatever write they accept whatever we filled they believe as we want. Hence we should give them good sacraments. According to me this movie is for entertainment so enjoy it, don't try to practice it personal life, if we do, as a result our children have not increased to read books but they increase to rambling and if we should circumscribable with love and strict.  Overall movie is fantastic, there were no mistake of the story and act.

2) My favourite books

I have read many books like 'Saurastra ni rasdhar', 'Kalapi no kekarav', 'malela jiv', 'Sambhog thi samadhi sudhi', 'Doll house', 'Isabella; the pot of basil', '2 States', 'half girl friend' etc. When I am in stress and when I feel nervous then I read 'Arunimaa sinha's mount Everest story, I heard this story in NSS camp at Ramkrishna Aashram, Rajkot. This is turning point of my life. Whenever I read or heard her story, everytime I inspire from her story. When I am nervous I would like to listion Sajay Raval's speech and his books like 'Have mane pahela karta saru lage chhe' , 'Mane Game chhe tamne pn gamse'.

Here I put Arunima's Mountain Everest story in Her voice..

Sunday 8 July 2018

Fantastic experience of First try of UGC Net exam

               Today I am going Tulip International school, Ahmedabad for UGC Net exam. I reached Ahmedabad at 3:00 o'clock. And I take a rest in Khetla Aapa Tea stoll and after the 5:00 O'clock I was going to New Tulip International School. This school is combine with Cambridge University. Whatrver it is but there I also saw some heart tourching scene everywhere they post that DONT USED YOUR MOBILE OR CAMERA, DON'T CAPTURED ANY PICTURE. not in Ground nor in insight of school. It does not matter if they don't want but according to me if the students click photo thus they will upload on social media thus there propaganda will automatically growth for exam students Like me I mean who came long distance, who doesn't know about Ahmedabad's International school (Cambridge) this picture through people know the Ahmedabad International school.  Of course I think they will give advertisment  in social media. Accoding to me it is good thing whenever we go and capture some picture this picture will make a gud memory. 

                   Second I felt that there are doing to good works Old people Doing Yoga I am very exclaimed because whose age is doing Yoga they have take rest and drike Tea and Cold drink at midnight I mean when I was going to Khetla Aapa Tea stoll there I saw some young people who really enjoy the midnight with Friends and Girl friend I am exclaimed because Old people doing yoga when I ask them some question that Do you regularly doing yoga ? When you started it ? They say Yes, around 4:30 and 5:00 we assemble for yoga, and we daily give our 1 hour to yoga. This is really shameful things that we are young but physically we are too weak.....

        I sitted there 2 hour in biggest Volleyball ground this is the main gate for Net exam appearance. After the 7 o'clock a boy name Vikas Solanki came and we were alone with 2 or 3 security in the School. During the conversation with him I felt that I am lucky because of I am student of Dept. of english, MKBU. Vikas also completed M.A (sorry I have not tell the University's name) I asked him some simple question in English because he also completed M.A with English and nowaday he doing M.phil. but whatever my mistakeful question, which I ask he did not give them answer it is not a Historical question but it is our syllabus and system of uni. Anyway he can not understand so I came in Gujarati. This fruitful conversation became debateful, he talk about his university and I gave counter argument from MKBU, when I said about our digital work he did not believe that it is impossible thus I saw him some Blogs, youtube channel, Slideshare activities, Flip Learning and also I saw him our dilip sir Bloger id. Then he believed that Yes this activity has done by our university. When our conversation has runing that time one Ph.D completed students came name Nayan bhai he came from Aabu. I also want to know there university's systems and more special Dept. Of Eng. I got some interesting things and differences bitween two or three Universities. Thank you so much sir to became us more Digital human being. 

As I said I am going there for NET. Our First Paper have started from 9:30 Am so as a candidates opened the gate at 8:30 it is too difficult to checking system. As a rule and regulation of Net, they used electronic devices and also hand checking, at list they did not allow to wear Black rob (काला धागा) and also rudraksh (मेने गलेमें जो सोने के चेन और रुद्राक्ष पहेना था उसे भी निकाल डाला) and I also felt that the Orwellian Idea during the exam I mean before the exam they assembled in main ground and told that our staff are watching you, do not try cheat us. 

I can say that this is the right school of the educational institution because that rooms are more digital like our department. There are Two or three CCTV, Projectors, Sound system,Laptop stand, and Benches are also upto date, which make it more Digital Classrooms. It is not only on One or two classes but it is in every classrooms I visited all of three floors. 

Thus, I completed my Both the papers. This is really fantastic experience. Whatever it reasult will come I never mind but whatever I experienced, whatever I known, whatever I felt, it is valuable for me it is my marvelous experience of my life.

Monday 2 July 2018

Modern Time Movie's Reviews

The Modern Time 

The modern Time movie has written by Charlie Chaplin and he was also Protagonist and Directer, in which his iconic Little Tramp character struggles to survive in the modern, industrialized world. We can see that it is a comment of Industrial employers condition of his problems. This movie has released on 5 February 1936, but we can see the great Aspect of 21st century.

The first scene has opened with sheeple, that satire on the people that man has worked as like sheep. We can also connect the dot of Orwellian idea because of the boss of the industry they see the Employer through CCTV, its mean the Orwellian Idea said that 'Big Brother is Watching You' and Here we can say that If the Employer do not Works that CCTV has captured and remove him to works. 

Second scene we find that Man Became Machine. They donot make separation between both the life, like Individual life and as Employer life. Here we find that man became more machine like Eating Machine. Some aspect of Maxism we also find here. Other many aspect find that like Gender stereotypes, Smoking, selling orphan, poverty etc.

The end of movie we find some Utopian Ideas, like roll of police, Chimani, Coffee club, etc which make movie very sensitive without voice.

The Great Dictators

In 1938, Charlie Chaplin made beautiful War movie, which is based on Two World War.Some of Hitler's earliest opponents, including anti-Franco American volunteers in the Spanish Civil War, were later seen as "premature antifascists"; by fighting against fascism when Hitler was still considered an ally, they raised suspicion that they might be communists. In this movie Charlie looked a little like Hitler. Chaplin devised a satire in which the dictator and a Jewish barber from the ghetto would be mistaken for each other.the Jews were welcomed by anti-Semitic groups. Some of Hitler's earliest opponents, including anti-Franco American volunteers in the Spanish Civil War, were later seen as "premature antifascists"; by fighting against fascism when Hitler was still considered an ally, they raised suspicion that they might be communists. "The Great Dictator" ended with a long speech denouncing dictatorships, and extolling democracy and individual freedoms.