Monday 2 July 2018

Modern Time Movie's Reviews

The Modern Time 

The modern Time movie has written by Charlie Chaplin and he was also Protagonist and Directer, in which his iconic Little Tramp character struggles to survive in the modern, industrialized world. We can see that it is a comment of Industrial employers condition of his problems. This movie has released on 5 February 1936, but we can see the great Aspect of 21st century.

The first scene has opened with sheeple, that satire on the people that man has worked as like sheep. We can also connect the dot of Orwellian idea because of the boss of the industry they see the Employer through CCTV, its mean the Orwellian Idea said that 'Big Brother is Watching You' and Here we can say that If the Employer do not Works that CCTV has captured and remove him to works. 

Second scene we find that Man Became Machine. They donot make separation between both the life, like Individual life and as Employer life. Here we find that man became more machine like Eating Machine. Some aspect of Maxism we also find here. Other many aspect find that like Gender stereotypes, Smoking, selling orphan, poverty etc.

The end of movie we find some Utopian Ideas, like roll of police, Chimani, Coffee club, etc which make movie very sensitive without voice.

The Great Dictators

In 1938, Charlie Chaplin made beautiful War movie, which is based on Two World War.Some of Hitler's earliest opponents, including anti-Franco American volunteers in the Spanish Civil War, were later seen as "premature antifascists"; by fighting against fascism when Hitler was still considered an ally, they raised suspicion that they might be communists. In this movie Charlie looked a little like Hitler. Chaplin devised a satire in which the dictator and a Jewish barber from the ghetto would be mistaken for each other.the Jews were welcomed by anti-Semitic groups. Some of Hitler's earliest opponents, including anti-Franco American volunteers in the Spanish Civil War, were later seen as "premature antifascists"; by fighting against fascism when Hitler was still considered an ally, they raised suspicion that they might be communists. "The Great Dictator" ended with a long speech denouncing dictatorships, and extolling democracy and individual freedoms.

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