Monday 16 July 2018

Mario Vargas LIosa (OD)

Mario Vargas Llosa, the Peruvian novelist, was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 2010. His most recent novel is "The Neighborhood." He was interviewed for The World Post by Michael Skafidas, a journalist and professor of comparative literature at the City University of New York.

I would like most three idea is that....

1) Feminist Idea

He thinks it is right to denounce abuses against women. These abuses are everywhere, so I have total sympathy for this movement as far as it is for more justice, more democracy, more equality of opportunities for women and men. He rightly say that If you respect literature you must accept not only the very idealist, altruist vision of human beings but also the infernal vision of them.

2) Global Idea (Culture)

According to him culture that is totally global, without differences between East and West, we are all part of this new culture in which images are the great protagonists.

3) Literature

literature, devils are important too. Literature is a testimony of what we want to hide in the real word. This is the raison d’ĂȘtre of literature. You cannot attack literature for our vices and prejudices and stupidities.

Thank you.

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