Saturday 14 July 2018

Matilda Movie review

1) Matilda Movie review

Matilda is fantastic American child movie, which is based on educational institution and rotten concept of human mind. If we talk about the movie plot, we find many critical aspect like feminism, Orwellian idea, power and knowledge, superstition etc. According to me this movie betray child to read and reading habit is good. But here we find that superstition concept that led to child in different world which is not real. Some year ago, we found such incidents, like child committed suicides, and they jump on biggest building only for delusion that superman comes and save them.  If we talk about feminism, Matilda is a girl child, thus her parent has not take care. They only focus on money, fashion and boy child. They believe that she should work at home, she no need of education. Matilda started to use public library books for read but her parent dislike it. If she read books infont of her parent, they rend the book. In real life we find that many of students want to learn but they do not. Institution is a part of life, if they become agonise, how students will satisfy and how they pay attention of them study,and also habit of school ? Children have a blank sheet whatever write they accept whatever we filled they believe as we want. Hence we should give them good sacraments. According to me this movie is for entertainment so enjoy it, don't try to practice it personal life, if we do, as a result our children have not increased to read books but they increase to rambling and if we should circumscribable with love and strict.  Overall movie is fantastic, there were no mistake of the story and act.

2) My favourite books

I have read many books like 'Saurastra ni rasdhar', 'Kalapi no kekarav', 'malela jiv', 'Sambhog thi samadhi sudhi', 'Doll house', 'Isabella; the pot of basil', '2 States', 'half girl friend' etc. When I am in stress and when I feel nervous then I read 'Arunimaa sinha's mount Everest story, I heard this story in NSS camp at Ramkrishna Aashram, Rajkot. This is turning point of my life. Whenever I read or heard her story, everytime I inspire from her story. When I am nervous I would like to listion Sajay Raval's speech and his books like 'Have mane pahela karta saru lage chhe' , 'Mane Game chhe tamne pn gamse'.

Here I put Arunima's Mountain Everest story in Her voice..

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