Saturday 1 December 2018

Guest Lecture by Pro. Balaji Ranganathan

14-16 Sept. 2018, Department of English has organized three day guest lecture of Dr. Balaji Ranganathan. In these days he dealt with Paper of Postcolonialiam. He taught us,
1)  Black Skin White Mask
2)  Orientalism
3)  A tempest
4)  Imaginary Hamelands
5)  Net- Slet Remedial class

First he discussed about the ‘Black Skin white mask’, its eight chapters. He taught its chapters very uniqueness and gave fantastic examples. He said that white man sealed inhis whiteness and black man sealed in his blackness, your color is biologicall so you’re observed by not your skin but your culture. Second he said that Fanon talk about sexuality as base in human nature, then he talk about the inferiority complex. How color of skin is natural but it becomes cultural. How white people think about black people.
Second He discussed about the ‘Orientalism’ and ‘A templest’ by Aime Cesaire. He explained the unit orientalism very well and provide some good information about India’s Condition before independence and after independence. He tought us about  ‘A tempest’ by Amie Cesaire make us understand the difference between ‘The tempest’ by Shakespeare and ‘A tempest’ by Amie Cesaire and also adivice to read original text. Then he talk about how to bet Net and Slet or compititive exam. And also talk about ‘Imaginary Homeland’ by Salman Rusdie.

Thank you

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