Saturday 1 December 2018

Waiting For Godot

Ans:  This painting suggest the hope with symbols of country road and tree. Longing can be connected with ‘waiting’ the road and tree presented the idea of barrenness the symbol of the country road indicates the absurdity, nothingness.

Ans: Important of tree; with the two sides of perspective , first positive side, where barren tree of very initial act become growing in the second one that may shows the sign of Godot’s coming it may be the sign of hope. In another side it is nature rule, it has nothing. Another interpretation of some  new growing bud can be as the sign of better condition of human beings after time passes though they are victimized from war.

Ans: Evening falls into night and moon rises, Night means End of the days,  Moon rises’it is showing time passing very quickly but their hope doesnot die. Night and Day is like Aggrivement and Enjoyment. We write that nature never wait for anyone, anythings, it goes on….

Ans : In the movie version director showing debris. It likes absurdity and human predicament also debris is totally useless but it will be recycle. So the director vision to show that kind of both characters are debris kind of lifestyle because they are useless.

Ans : Samuel Backett comes with idea of ‘Nothingness’, but it leads to the something else. Play opens with ‘Nothing to be done’. But here nothingness is means something to be done but somethind did not done, so Nothing itself is action. There is no motivated action, the sense of nothingness play the pivotal role in determining the every aspect of the play. So Nothingness creates everything in ‘Waiting for Godot’.

Ans : Yes, I agree with the positivity of the this play because they are waiting for Godot nothind happen in entire play only wait for Godot same it is related with universal idea for cycle of birth, death, rebirth and waitinf for hope everyone what ever they do ultimately they are doing wait for death.

Ans : in this play boot symbolizing carelessness and irresponsible lifestyle of person toward society.

Ans : According to me; Godot is the an object of desire. We constantly thinking about the meaning of life. We want to achieve goals, becomes successful. But the ultimate we are waiting for death, so everyone wanted we all are become free from the meaningless life. The Godot is our medium to reach the celestial city, which is the journey of body to soul.

Ans:Yes we can interpret the political reading in which Vladimir stand for Russia, Pozzo stand for Italy, Lucky for England and Estragon stand for France. So we can connect this to the world war in which these all countries destroyed by Godot means Germany. (Hitler) In this play Vladimir asked boy that ‘Godot beating’ the boy replied ‘yes’. So we connect Godot with Hitler, who destroyed many countries and killed thousand of Pozzo and Lucky.

Ans : In the both acts boy and Vladimir do same conversation. In act 1 Vladimir told boy to tell Godot that you saw bus. But in act 2 Vladimir told boy to tell that you saw me. So in cat one he cares about Estragon bo]ut in second act he become self center person who doesnot care about Estragon. It shaws how situation changes the mindset and behaviour of the person.

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