Saturday 1 December 2018

The Birthday Party

Q-1 Why are two scenes of Lulu omitted from the movie?
In this movie I found two scene of Lulu. To give the particular shap to the work also writer may be prefer to include extra things and reduce something that burden the content part of the work. Another point, I think of lulu’s personality that has no such significance to carry out the flow further with some special effect. Sometimes it happens that some scenes are relevant to the film that’a why it remains in the film. There is nothinf deep into ansence of some scene from the text or on the movie. It is just because Director can’t omit thise sceene from the film bexause somehow ir showa human nature, characteristic and xonditon of the society in that time.

Q-2 Is movie successful in giving us the effext of menace? Where you able to feel it while reading the text ?
We can seee the effect od menace in the movie because while reading the play we can sense that Stanley has a musterious past which we are mpt omformend about. I felt this while reading the lonf conversation between McCann, Stanley and Goldberg.

Q-3 Do you feel the effect of lurking danger while viewing the movie ? Where you able to feel the same while reading the text.
I feel the lurking danger whenthe scene of strangers come in Meg and Petey’s house. Standley ask some question of meg, why are they coming here ? who are two strangers ? so I feel two are danger for the Standley. I feel lurking danger, somethinf will happen, this party is going to end very bad, very danger.

Q-4 What do you read I ‘newspaper’ in the movie? Petey is reading newspaper to Meg, it torn into pieces by McCain, piexes are hidden by Petey in last scene.
Basically newspaper is symbol of connectivity between an individual and outer world, but here in this play it also gives the remembrance to Petey for his impotency by  Meg’s insistence to him for repeatedly reading the incident regarding the greagility of a woman. Moreober it is torn into pieces by McCann. And in last scene his afotd has been hidden by Peetey. He tries to hide the whole incident.

Q-5 Camera is positioned over the head of McCain when he is playing Blind Man’s Buff and is positioned at the tom=p with a view of room like a cage when Standley is playind it. What interpretations can you give to these positioning of Camera?
Camera is play vital role in this play in these position od camera. Standley  and McCan wants to coness the truth from Standley so both are planing to trap Standley with game of blind’s buff.

Q-7 If you were director or screenplay writer, what sort of difference would you make in the making of movie?
Movie is perfect so in the movie I do not change anything..

Who would be your choice of actors to play the role of characters?

Standley – Nawazuddin Siddiqui
Petey – Anupam Kher
Mag  - Shabana Azmi
Goldberg – Monoj Bajpai
McCan – Ifran Khan
Lulu – Huma

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