Saturday, 1 December 2018

Dr. J.H. Khan

Interaction with J.H. Khan

Department of English has organized guest lecture for students. On 16 to 18 August, Department of English invited Dr. Javed Hussain Khan and mandaliya sirs. J. H. Khan sir dealt with the ELT and Mandaliya sir dealt with Metaphysical Poetry. We had a lecture of Khan sir, His teaching styles really amazing. We had discussion on several topics. He said that “We keep on competing with ourselves” and he called students as a “Young India”. He also shared information about Net/Slet Exams.

In his first interaction on English language teaching, he talk about diffrence of teaching english, English  as native langage and english as a Forign language, both should have different needs and different ways to learn and teach. He taught us that how to articulated sound in language and in language thir is different parts of it . he also included what is general English and what is English for specific purposes, communication it is a ta to perform. There is difference between ESP and EAP and the information about semantics and pragmatics. He has influence on English language and he says that Language is a social institution and it is a product of culture.

·       Teaching style and our Experience
He is very good and knowledgeable person. I have got the idea about ELT that how that is different from other, how can I explain it in exam. He taught that if you will worl hard definitely you will get success in life, only  you have burning desire for that whatever you want. He mentioned this sentence manier ‘nothing is impossible’’ he has much knowledge about ELT. Javed sir’s 3days class will also helpful for my exam. I can explain it properly, concept of Elt and other things are cler in my mind. I have learnt so many things are clear in my mind.

Thank you.

The Birthday Party

Q-1 Why are two scenes of Lulu omitted from the movie?
In this movie I found two scene of Lulu. To give the particular shap to the work also writer may be prefer to include extra things and reduce something that burden the content part of the work. Another point, I think of lulu’s personality that has no such significance to carry out the flow further with some special effect. Sometimes it happens that some scenes are relevant to the film that’a why it remains in the film. There is nothinf deep into ansence of some scene from the text or on the movie. It is just because Director can’t omit thise sceene from the film bexause somehow ir showa human nature, characteristic and xonditon of the society in that time.

Q-2 Is movie successful in giving us the effext of menace? Where you able to feel it while reading the text ?
We can seee the effect od menace in the movie because while reading the play we can sense that Stanley has a musterious past which we are mpt omformend about. I felt this while reading the lonf conversation between McCann, Stanley and Goldberg.

Q-3 Do you feel the effect of lurking danger while viewing the movie ? Where you able to feel the same while reading the text.
I feel the lurking danger whenthe scene of strangers come in Meg and Petey’s house. Standley ask some question of meg, why are they coming here ? who are two strangers ? so I feel two are danger for the Standley. I feel lurking danger, somethinf will happen, this party is going to end very bad, very danger.

Q-4 What do you read I ‘newspaper’ in the movie? Petey is reading newspaper to Meg, it torn into pieces by McCain, piexes are hidden by Petey in last scene.
Basically newspaper is symbol of connectivity between an individual and outer world, but here in this play it also gives the remembrance to Petey for his impotency by  Meg’s insistence to him for repeatedly reading the incident regarding the greagility of a woman. Moreober it is torn into pieces by McCann. And in last scene his afotd has been hidden by Peetey. He tries to hide the whole incident.

Q-5 Camera is positioned over the head of McCain when he is playing Blind Man’s Buff and is positioned at the tom=p with a view of room like a cage when Standley is playind it. What interpretations can you give to these positioning of Camera?
Camera is play vital role in this play in these position od camera. Standley  and McCan wants to coness the truth from Standley so both are planing to trap Standley with game of blind’s buff.

Q-7 If you were director or screenplay writer, what sort of difference would you make in the making of movie?
Movie is perfect so in the movie I do not change anything..

Who would be your choice of actors to play the role of characters?

Standley – Nawazuddin Siddiqui
Petey – Anupam Kher
Mag  - Shabana Azmi
Goldberg – Monoj Bajpai
McCan – Ifran Khan
Lulu – Huma

Guest Lecture by Pro. Balaji Ranganathan

14-16 Sept. 2018, Department of English has organized three day guest lecture of Dr. Balaji Ranganathan. In these days he dealt with Paper of Postcolonialiam. He taught us,
1)  Black Skin White Mask
2)  Orientalism
3)  A tempest
4)  Imaginary Hamelands
5)  Net- Slet Remedial class

First he discussed about the ‘Black Skin white mask’, its eight chapters. He taught its chapters very uniqueness and gave fantastic examples. He said that white man sealed inhis whiteness and black man sealed in his blackness, your color is biologicall so you’re observed by not your skin but your culture. Second he said that Fanon talk about sexuality as base in human nature, then he talk about the inferiority complex. How color of skin is natural but it becomes cultural. How white people think about black people.
Second He discussed about the ‘Orientalism’ and ‘A templest’ by Aime Cesaire. He explained the unit orientalism very well and provide some good information about India’s Condition before independence and after independence. He tought us about  ‘A tempest’ by Amie Cesaire make us understand the difference between ‘The tempest’ by Shakespeare and ‘A tempest’ by Amie Cesaire and also adivice to read original text. Then he talk about how to bet Net and Slet or compititive exam. And also talk about ‘Imaginary Homeland’ by Salman Rusdie.

Thank you


1)  Orientalism helps to create and shape entire new fields. It also used in English, history, anthropology, political science and cultural studies. It gives deep information of people of middle east people about their culture and behaviour. We come to know about them yet we never meet. Orientalism questions the reasons behind the impression of any community or nation as a bad and why the whole community and nation have to suffer because of the mistakes of one or two groups from that community.

2)  In Western Countries, the representation of East by media was in such a way that all western people were thinking about Eastern people as a Black magicians and mysterious people. They were not aware of the culture of East and that is why they have considered it as mysterious place, the word ‘mysterious’ itself creates the feeling or horror. So as a result the human side of Islamic and especially Arab world are rarely found in any Western country’s movies and in people’s mindset. Orientalism is the creates an image outside of history of something that is placid and still and eternal. Which is simply contradicted by the fact of history.

3)  Said’s analysis of Orientalism is not just a description of its content but a sustained argument for why it looks the way it does. it’s an examination of the quite concrete, historical and institution context that creates it. Specifically Said locates the construction of orientalism within the history of Imperial conquest.

4)  The difference between British and French Orientalism on the one hand and the American experience of the Orient on the other is that the American one is more indirect, much more based on abstractions’ in the past, British and Franch orientalism is direct and how the American Orientalism is indirect. It question the power system in terms of media, popular culture and globalization.

5)  Gramsci says, ‘therefore the task at the outset, is to try to compile an inventory’, in other words to try and make sense of it, and this seems to me to be the most interesting sort of human task. It’s a task of giving history some shape and sense, for a particular reason, not just to show that my history is better than your or my history is worse than yours. I am a victim and you are somebody who’s oppressed people or so on, but rather, to understand my history in terms of other people’s history, in other words to try to understand, to move beyond, to generalize one’s own individual experience to the experience of others and I think the great goal is in fact to become someone else.”

Shashi Tharoor (sunday reading)

Shasi tharoor is an Indian politician, writer. Shashi Tharoor is member of Parliament, he given postcolonial argument. He written a book on that ‘An Era of Darknes’. He asserts that Britishers are not developers of any colonies. According to him real thugs of Hindustan are Britishers, in the time of free trade they are looting the Indians. Many Indian words they take dictionary, in this way the word loot is a Hindi word and they taking the word in their dictionary. In this way he try so make a satire on make a satire on British Empire. During his nearly three decade long prior career at the United Nations, he served as a peacekeeper, refugee worker and administrator at the highest levels serving as Under secretary general during Kofi Annan’s leadership of the organization.

We see that damage economical, psychological and also human lives in India by British. The huge massacre at Jaliyanwala bagh, which no one can forget. This is just a instant memory, there is much more than this. Shashi says, Indians do have tac system but it is liberal, like when there is draught, at that time peasants got relaxation from tax but Brits are not like that. What British does is they broke the trade which was practiced in India. India’s cloths, he gave two name of city Dhaka and Murshidabad, both are famous for their cloths but Brits take all raw to England make cloths there and tell it to India in double prize they have sold Indians their good with double Prize.
British flourished textile company in India by ‘made in India’ hallmark of high quality. That is private profit of English and public risk of Indian. Many Indians died because of them. During second world war in the great Bengal phenomenon, 4 million people died because of churchill’s decision of splay and policies. For them Bengali metters less. They are colonial enterprise only creates violence and racism. In India 15 to 20 % people died by starvation. He gave example of Begal family. During the Second World War 4 million people died because of starvation. Britishers make money from the poor Indians by various kind of taxes and make their own country rich, day by day.

Thus, we can say that Tharoor’s arguments makes good sense regarding the reparation. Because India was reach before the arrival of British and without the Britisher Indi can progress.

Waiting For Godot

Ans:  This painting suggest the hope with symbols of country road and tree. Longing can be connected with ‘waiting’ the road and tree presented the idea of barrenness the symbol of the country road indicates the absurdity, nothingness.

Ans: Important of tree; with the two sides of perspective , first positive side, where barren tree of very initial act become growing in the second one that may shows the sign of Godot’s coming it may be the sign of hope. In another side it is nature rule, it has nothing. Another interpretation of some  new growing bud can be as the sign of better condition of human beings after time passes though they are victimized from war.

Ans: Evening falls into night and moon rises, Night means End of the days,  Moon rises’it is showing time passing very quickly but their hope doesnot die. Night and Day is like Aggrivement and Enjoyment. We write that nature never wait for anyone, anythings, it goes on….

Ans : In the movie version director showing debris. It likes absurdity and human predicament also debris is totally useless but it will be recycle. So the director vision to show that kind of both characters are debris kind of lifestyle because they are useless.

Ans : Samuel Backett comes with idea of ‘Nothingness’, but it leads to the something else. Play opens with ‘Nothing to be done’. But here nothingness is means something to be done but somethind did not done, so Nothing itself is action. There is no motivated action, the sense of nothingness play the pivotal role in determining the every aspect of the play. So Nothingness creates everything in ‘Waiting for Godot’.

Ans : Yes, I agree with the positivity of the this play because they are waiting for Godot nothind happen in entire play only wait for Godot same it is related with universal idea for cycle of birth, death, rebirth and waitinf for hope everyone what ever they do ultimately they are doing wait for death.

Ans : in this play boot symbolizing carelessness and irresponsible lifestyle of person toward society.

Ans : According to me; Godot is the an object of desire. We constantly thinking about the meaning of life. We want to achieve goals, becomes successful. But the ultimate we are waiting for death, so everyone wanted we all are become free from the meaningless life. The Godot is our medium to reach the celestial city, which is the journey of body to soul.

Ans:Yes we can interpret the political reading in which Vladimir stand for Russia, Pozzo stand for Italy, Lucky for England and Estragon stand for France. So we can connect this to the world war in which these all countries destroyed by Godot means Germany. (Hitler) In this play Vladimir asked boy that ‘Godot beating’ the boy replied ‘yes’. So we connect Godot with Hitler, who destroyed many countries and killed thousand of Pozzo and Lucky.

Ans : In the both acts boy and Vladimir do same conversation. In act 1 Vladimir told boy to tell Godot that you saw bus. But in act 2 Vladimir told boy to tell that you saw me. So in cat one he cares about Estragon bo]ut in second act he become self center person who doesnot care about Estragon. It shaws how situation changes the mindset and behaviour of the person.

Friday, 30 November 2018

Interpretation Challenge; Breath

Interpretation Challenge; Breath: the shortest Play by Samual Beckett

This Blog is the part of thinking activity, which is given by Dilip Barad sir,  Click here to Open Sir's Blog on Interpretation challenge; Breath.

This type of video is very short play about 30 second  duration. It seems meaningless but carries basic meaning of life it also considered as experimental play. This type of video can be interpreted in many ways. In the starting we hear the sound of Breathe that is connected with life. The play has opened with Dark to Light, Light means Birth and end it goes Light to Dark, and Dark mean Death. Nothingness is the center. We can interpret in this video nothingness in the life. Our journey start up with born and end up with death. so we can feel meaningless and nothingness in our life. At the end what we can do when our death happen nothing. We can say that the world is full of things which leads us toward nothingness, like most of things in garbage is related with hospital and technology. We can also connect hospital’s strachur, injection and medicines with Life. Today man start his/her journey at hospital, and during the journey take medicines and the end they are also in Hospital. (Post mortem, ailments) like Gujarati Bhajans ‘Jite bhi Lakdi, Marke bhi Lakdi’. It seems, nothingness of life, we all are live as a habit of routine. We have habit to breathing and wish to success in our mind has habit to think about various things so one or another we can live with our habits and follow some things which going on and it is really need to live a long life with medicine. So here existentialism theory exist in this sense of what is meaninf and purpose of our life. Its matter with our existence. We are here and born on the earth and feeling about our lives in absurdity, nothinfness and meaningless. But we can’t find the reason and also answere behind this why we are exist and for whom we live and whats aim behind this everythings.

Chimamanda Ngozi

Hello Reading, this Blog is the response of the Task of Sunday Reading, which is given by Dr. Dilip Barad sir. Click Here to Open Sir’s Blog. 

Chimamanda Ngozi is a Nigerian Novelist, Short story writer and Non Fictional Writer. Her Famous Novels are ‘Hibiscus’, ‘Half of a yellow sun’, ‘Americanah’, Short stories like, ‘The thing around your Neck’, famous Essay ‘We should all be Feminists’. 

1)  " The danger of single story " she used to write her all characters were white and blue eyed . They played in snow , ate an apples and drinks. In way there is an impression in the face of story. She write according to her reading of foreign books. After reading African books , Chinua Achebe there is mental shift in her writing and change perceptions about literature. She realized her own existence in literature and started to write things she recognized. Her experience at University of united states , when American roommate surpisurp on her speaking English as Nigerian.

2) She talk about Feminism. Her experience with tag of feminist by okuloma and idea of feminist in mind of people that's why she is happy feminist. In society men always physical strong then women. Men always superior in position and power then women. At same place , same job women will get less salary then men. She shares her experience at hotel , when she alone as Nigerian consider as sex worker. Thus she should be accompanied by men. When she was with man waiter greets man and ignored her. Thus they are products of society. Thus need of equality in rights of men and women . Same opportunity for both in every aspect. Changes in policy , attitude and mindset about gender role.

3) Talk on importance of Truth in Post-Truth Era: In the third video about truth in post-truth era, she beautifully said about the courage of speaking truth. Her thought is to be loyal with ourselves to tell the truth. Post truth is very dangerous weapon in this 21st century, especially political parties make use of this kind of weapon to provocate riots and also Media used for profit and to raise their TRP. So. She tries to say that do not driven as sheeple with the political language, try to understand the truth with authentication and always doubt in such a things

Saturday, 10 November 2018

Thinking Activity :- To The lighthouse

1) Virginia Woolf has thrown some light on this serious topic of human relations. Virginia Woolf has used stream of consciousness in this novel. She has presented psychological level of a person that shows the aspects of living and complexity of relations. As it is rhetorical term so properly refers to the literary technique of stream of consciousness. Woolf’s technique of stream of consciousness highly inspired by William James' principles of psychology. Mrs. Ramsay's character is of a typical woman and a housewife. And relation between children and their father. As we can see the Children are not directly connected with their father in the novel. And She is a woman who sacrifices herself for others.

2) The technique of stream of consciousness especially with description of consciousness. So it is all characters can be vividly seen by reader were then author has no need to describe anything. Mrs.Ramsay does all things for family members; she lives for others’ she does so many sacrifices for the sake of others and so many things which is already decided by patriarchal society. Mrs.Ramsay is alive in mind of others because of her services and compassion to each. She has something to give all characters. Mrs.Ramsay is also known as ' Angle of the House'. And Lilly Briscoe is totally opposite from the Mrs.Ramsay. Lilly tries to break wrong idea that “the women can’t paint can’t write”. She does that and prove women’s identity as intellectuals as men. I think Virginia Woolf is more interested to Lilly Briscoe's character rather than Mrs. Ramsay. Both are remarkable characters in novel because Mrs. Ramsay is alive because of her Womanhood only and Lilly Briscoe for her art.

3) Yes, I agree for Mrs., Ramsay's character .In Mrs. Ramsay is both thing are there Critique and tribute. Because she has tribute for her family is first like and care and some are they. Lighthouse stands for Mrs Ramsay because she is harbor for her family member and very much spiritual guidance. She takes care of her family members and her husband. She manages ego of her husband and if we talk about considering symbolically through presentation we can say that symbol of Mrs.Ramsay as we read in the novel she always indicates as an emotional guide for other characters. So we say that she is a central character in the novel. One thing that here we cannot forget that between husband and wife writer creates some distance between them and also their children. Here we can take one example of Mr.Ramsay and his son James. If we talk about writer and her biographical context, we can say that writer’s character is more presented in Lily Briscoe’s characters.

5) 'kunstlerroman' is a German term which is about the somebody's life or Artist's novel, or we can say which describe development or a struggle of an artist as in ' To The Light House' Lily's character and the novel itself is a struggle of an artist she what's to prove her intelligence in front of men.

7)The novel is more difficult than the movie ,both words and screen have its own advantages but words are more powerful than the screen.screening movie is restricted the power of imagination.Novel has poetic charm which movie can't provide to reader and audience. Sickvance of the film is very melodramatic ,and both end are different dialogue,end of the film dialogue is Lily Briscoe :"You are fool" , ""Closed the door and open the window".But end of the novel there:"Yes , she thought ,laying down her brush in extreme fatigue,I have had my vision".

Friday, 9 November 2018

Learning Experience :Jay Mehta on E. A.Poe's short stories

Learning Experience In Dr. Jay Maheta’s lecture on Poe’s Short stories.

18 Sept to 22 Sept, Department of English has organized Guest lecture on Poe’s short stories, which is tough by Dr. Jay Maheta. Dr. Jay Maheta is a formal student of Department. Nowadays he is lecturer of R.C. Technical College Ahmadabad. I like his teaching skill. My experience of learning from him amazing, these day he deals with the Poe’s short- stories which is very mystery and macabre work. His teaching style is really different from others because of he tough us with Poem, Sigmund Freud's theories. He also gave pre-reading task about the Death, which is Poe’s stories main them ‘Wish to Death’. His style of beginning  of class is an amazing it catches the attention of everyone in class,in these four day he talk about Short stories, How to write poem etc.

1)   The Tell-tale Heart
2)   The Black Cat
3)   The Fall of the house of Usher
4)   The Cask of Amontillado
5)   The Purloined Letter
6)   The Gold Bug

As we know that Edgar Allan Poe is the master of Macabre. He is famous for horror, fear, bloodshed, lie, and various psychological abnormalities. He gave a new concept to see the world. His most of the work are based on the Suspense  and create a fearful atmosphere. Poe’s short stories is of course create the suspense and create a atmosphere of Fear but when Sir has tough us that time he also create a fearful atmosphere like this incident happen in font of us.

The Last day of the session, sir has taken a lecture on Poet, and poem, (Musairo) sir is given fruitful suggestion to up coming poet and writer and he also recited two or three poem, which are written by him.

Thank you so much Barad sir and Maheta sir……

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Aeshvariyam Youth Festival 2018

Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University has organized Youth Festival 26-27-28 Oct 2018. This Youth Festival host is ‘Takshsila institude of Science and Management’. Normally Youth Festival is for Students, Students are participant and show his/ her abilities, skills.

Generally Youth Festival is for entertainment, enjoyment, shown the skill and abilities of students but as a student of English Literature and criticism, Dr. Dilip Barad sir has given a task to observing the events and apply the Terms and theory on the event. Like,

1.   One Act Play/Skit :
 Aristotle’s Poetics
 Dryden’s Definition of Play
 Martin Esslin’s Theatre of Absurd
 Davin Compton’s Comedy of Menace
 Approaches, (Feminism, Psychoanalysis, cultural studies, biographical approach, Mirroring of the moment etc)

2.   Mono Acting
Thematic study,
Mythical characters,

3.  Poetry Recitation
Theory of Coleridge (Poem v/s Poetry & Imagination, Fancy)
Wordsworth’s definition (Spontaneity & Simplicity)
T.S. Eliot (Theory of Depersonalization)
I.A. Richards (Figurative Language)
Cleanth Brooks (language of Paradox)

4.   Lalit Kala
Thematic study
Political satire
Mirroring of contemporary society
Post Modernist painting
Traditional v/s modern

Thus sir has given us the real test of our observation power, literary sensibility and our skills to apply classroom learning in real life situation. As we learn English Literature and criticism last 4 or 5 years, we learnt many theories and approaches, terms and many other thing in those days. So as student of literature we have to apply all the theories, terms and approach in real life. I am very excited to apply all the theories and term to this events but somehow I could not observing all the events, but here I try to apply all the theories and approach in my personal observation of society and some personal also. Let’s begin with the Youth Festival,

1)  One Act Play/Skit

I have observing only two play. One is ‘Sikka ni triji baji’ and second I forget it name. Sikka ni Triji Baju is the satire on society. Society is abusing the third Gender, they does not accept the Kenner. It is not a tragedy that we can apply the theory of Aristotle. But I have seen the another play, ‘Adhuri Tasvir’ where we can apply this theory. The prince is fall in love with the servant, she also the servant of the king so she have good reputation in the town. The prince came his uncle kingdom, and there he met the chandrakala (servant) and fall in love. The prince is good in painting, and write a poem. When his uncle know about his love with his servant, He killed Chandrakala. Before killing the prince is drawing her painting. but the painting still remaining, the prince became a mad and chandrakala came (Ghost) and give a chance to complete her painting. The end of the play Prince has died with painting. This play follow all the six elements of tragedy like Plot, character, diction, thought, spectacle and song also.

According to John Dryden, “Drama is a just and lively image of human nature, representing its passions and humors and the changes of fortune to which it is subject for the delight and instruction of mankind”.  This definition I would like to apply in our Department’s performance, ‘Sikka ni Triji Baju’. According to Dryden the Drama is a just and lively images of human nature, which we also find that in this play, the Kenner is the represented the real situation of human mind and also nature. ‘Rekha’ is the main character of the play who is kinner or the third gender. This play made a ‘just and lively image which is Dryden talk about. When the third gender born the society does not accepted it so they make their society, like Rekha, kajal. When it born the kinner came and take it, why because of the society, the parents of the kinner, they want to live with it but the society force to leave it as Rekha’s parents leave him. However Rekha does not feel he is nothing or he is a third gender person but he believe that it’s a God’s Gift. Live a life with passion, he does not believe that it is a weak point. the subject of the play really given biggest moral. if we want to apply the Feminist criticism, we find the both of the example like they give freedom and also Ligation of family. In this play the character likes Sarda (Mother of tusar), Alpa (Sister of tusar) both are free to do as they want and the character of Mina (Wife of Tusar) is in ligation, she cannot take a decision. She wants to live with Kiran (Third Gender’s child)but Sarda and tusar doesnot want. Here we can also see some events of Rekha’s past (Psychoanalysis) like when he is in childhood his parents left him without telling him. This events was in his unconscious mind which he suffered a lot. This play is reflection of society of course today Government gives Rights for third gender but somehow this decision became a fail to real society (Rights of 377) still society does not give priority to it, still they does not want to give him employment, job etc. As I say I saw two Plays, which one is connected to historical concept.

Second thing I did not attended the Mono Acting or the poetry recitation. So could not interpret it with the critical approaches and terms. But here I would like to interpret my own poem. According to Wordsworth, “Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility”, in this definition Wordsworth define two contradiction, like ‘Spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling, and another side ‘emotion recollected in tranquility’. it means the poet would then express those powerful impressions spontaneously with ease and felicity without any imposition of restriction in point of language or poetic diction. Immediate impression has a blending of both important and unimportant impression. When they allowed to rest for some time, only the important impression remain in the memory, and unimportant ones was away. In this Youth festival we find that (I take a review form participant of Poetry recitation) the poets are not write effective poem immediately. As a rule of Youth Festival. Participant should be written in limited time. So we can say that we cannot apply this definition of this event. But we can appy T. S. Eliot’s theory of Depersonalization. Because somehow poet apply his own life experience to his works, whatever in form, like my first published work ‘Drasti; Ashatitv ni khari anubhuti’, When I got this idea form Dilip sir (teach us Feminism), and also Ganesh Mahotsv (Svk), during the Mahotsav I have been going to see to the Ganesha and there I see theboard, where written the Women are not allow to enter, who wear a Jeans Top (Western cloths)  and many other thing. When I was going to Rajkot for migration, I started to write, I did not want to apply this insult to my work, I only want to write on feminism. When I have completed it I saw the my personal experience are mingled with my story, it is not only about my experience but every poets/ writers.

I have also attended the Mime, which I saw two or three mine, normally mime is the well performance because it leaves to audience to interpret and understood their self. The second thing is that most of the theme of mine is the current problem like Child abuse, Machines etc. As I also attended Western Group song and also Quiz. I have attended some parts of the Youth festival but I tried to observe all the things/ events very critical.

Thus, I attended the three day Youth festival in Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University. This is my observation of Youth festival, and tries to interpretation.

Thursday, 11 October 2018

Midnight Children (Movie Review)

9th Sept 2018, Department of English has organized the movie screening of 'Midnight's Children' which is based on Salman Rushdie's Novel, Directed by Deepa Mehta, and second movie was 'The Reluctant Fundamentalist', which is based on Mohsin Hamid's Novel, directed by Mira Nair.

1) Midnight's Children

'The iconic masterpiece of India that introduced the world to “a glittering novelist one with startling imaginative and intellectual resources, a master of perpetual storytelling”'
(The New Yorker)

"Midnight's children" is the famous novel of Salman Rushdie. It is published in 1981. Midnight's Children, Novel deals with the Indian's transition from British colonialism to independence and the partition of British India. Today this novel has considered as example of Post colonial Literature. The story is told by chief protagonist Saleem Sinai, and is set in the context of actual historical events. The style of preserving history with fictional accounts is self-reflexive.

In the first scene of the Novel, Salman described the class conflict of the India, The Hindu and Muslim. How the children has changed in the Hospital. In this Novel Siva and Saleem have changed in Hospital. Saleem is the Hindu's child and the Siva is the Muslim child. but some how they grow with different culture. Saleem Sinai is born at the stroke of midnight on August 15, 1947, the very moment of India’s independence. Greeted by fireworks displays, cheering crowds, and Prime Minister Nehru himself, Saleem grows up to learn the ominous consequences of this coincidence. His every act is mirrored and magnified in events that sway the course of national affairs; his health and well-being are inextricably bound to those of his nation; his life is inseparable, at times indistinguishable, from the history of his country. Perhaps most remarkable are the telepathic powers linking him with India’s 1,000 other “midnight’s children,” all born in that initial hour and endowed with magical gifts. This novel is at once a fascinating family saga and an astonishing evocation of a vast land and its people–a brilliant incarnation of the universal human comedy. Twenty-five years after its publication, Midnight’ s Children stands apart as both an epochal work of fiction and a brilliant performance by one of the great literary voices of our time.

Magic realism is an essential feature of 20th century's English novel. The word " magic" and "realism" are controversial. They seem to unable of combining with each other. Realism refers to the true stories of life which have happened. Magic is something which is related to fantasy and emotion. Magic realism is the combination of myth and reality. The elements which are magical are presented as true facts of life. In Midnight's Children a lot of historical references are dominated, so using of magic realism is a great technique to make the readers a little bit interesting, because history sometimes becomes boring. In Midnight's Children, Rushdie simply reflects the pictures of reality which he sees during the Pre and post of Indian independence. The use of magical touch in reality makes the novel different from others. That is why, it has been able to achieve a good position in the English literature.

2) The Reluctant Fundamentalist

'The Reluctant Fundamentalist' is the Famous novel of Pakistani writer Mohsin Hamid. It's like a Monologue, and it delivered by Changez Khan, he is a young financial analyst. Mira Nair has directed the movie of the Reluctant Fundamentalist. This novel portrayal of relation between east and west and the experience of subordinate diaspora in Britain and north America.It begins with kidnapping of one American, and whole plot is based on the interview of one Pakistani citizen Changez Khan, the interview was taken by Bobby Lincoln. Changez Khan is main suspect of the entire fiction. It is a frame narration, 'story within story'. Changez goes to America for doing job after completing his study. Everything was very nice until the attack, he got promotion, everyone was his friend, he had one girlfriend also, it seems like everything was so good, but after attack of 9/11 everything was charged. People were doubted on him. Even his girlfriend's behaviour was also changed.

During the attack, Changez smiles at once on destruction of building, it symbolises that unconsciously we are wanted that someone take a revenge of our harrassment. But he readily accepts that thing.As postcolonial aspect, one event was very significant, at the airport he has been checked by the cops, it raises the question on his dignity. During all these things he remained silent, but after that he decided to return Pakistan, we can say how he frustrated.

Thus the movie represents that how the American or the other countries has feared for the terrorism. American known for giving opportunity to others, also known as Salad Bowl, but here we need to think that, it actually right or not. In 'New York', which directed by Kabir Khan, it has same aspects of like this movie. John Abraham, played role of Muslim and suffering same kind of harrassment. It has many points of postcolonial study.

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

GPSC Workshop

24th Sept 2018,

Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar university had organized, oneday GPSC Workshop in the occasion of Atal Auditorium's inaugurate. Generally MKBU is often organize this type of workshop for the student, like ICT Workshop, Net- Slet Remedial workshop etc. 

About Atal Auditorium

  •  It has 702 seating capacity
  •  large stage for full fledged drama
  •  Dance performance
  •  Under process Wi-Fi, CCTV Camera
  •  The hall is covered by Air Condition
  •  Large Parking Facility 
  •  Drinking RO Water
  •  Rest room
  •  Change room
  •  Security
  •  Silence zone
  •  Natural atmosphere
  •  The Hall is near the Main Road.
  •  It has New sound System

MKBU had brought the 20 students of all Colleges and Departments. Thus English Department me and other 28 students from our Department attend it with our teachers. We reached there 11 o'clock. we were exclaimed to see there arrangement, Security. In the first session, there were many chief Guest like Education Minister Bhupendrasinh Chudasama. Dr. Girish Vaghani Vice chancellor of University MKBU, Education Minister Bhupendrasinh Chudasma and former Vice Chancellor Dr. Zala Sir and K. P. Swami, they all gave introductory speech and exposed their gratitude for opening of new Atal Auditorium in our University.

The Second session had started at 2 o'clock, which was about the How to prepare for GPSC, What is syllabus, how they pass etc etc. there were 4 Speakers, who is deputy collector and passed the Exam. there names are,

  1. Charansinh Gohil
  2. Veerabhai Sambhal
  3. Vivek Tank
  4. Pravinsinh

Each of them are scholar, who came for inspire us, the speech had opened with Charansinh Gohil, who talk about his struggle, and how he prepared and got a success. They also increase us to started preparation of any competitive exam. He displayed his knowledge about Civil Exams and inspire us through his motivational and true story of his life and also by story of Ira Singhal. Moreover he introduce GPSC as a great opportunity for best career.

The second speech had given by Veerabhai Sambhal, who also inspired us to Give the exam, and motive us. He also talk about our current situation, like he also came from the middle class family, and he got the success and our rude concept about government and his employer that they bring the money in interview (Corruption). he said nowaday it is not happen. Really his speech was very fruitful for us, because how middle class people prepare and got success and became a model roll for many students.

The third speech had given by Vivek sir, who also belong to middle class family. He talk about GPSC exam syllabus, structure and pattern. His poetic heart really made his speech very effective. He started with the little share about success,

मंजिल तो मिल ही जाएगी भटके तो सही,
गुमराह तो वो है जो घर से निकलते है नही।

The last Speech was delivered by Pravinsinh. Excellent speech and his real life experience is highly motivational. Pravin Sir talk about some major points like, Try and try will be success, Failure gives you a best opportunity and self motivation, Multi dimension knowledge and be healthy not only physically but mentally and socially too. Keep revision of your reading and concise it in written answer. Devlop your personality, Burning Desire for goal and run till the end of success etc.

Really I heartly thank Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University to organize this type of fruitful session for students and increase, not only in syllabus but also in Compitative exam. Thank you so much.

Monday, 24 September 2018

Modernist Poetry

The Modernist Poem

Modernist Poetry in English literature has started in the 20th literature with the appearance of the Imagists. Still some of the modern poet also wrote in reaction to the perceived excesses excesses of Victorian poetry, with its emphasis on traditional Formalism and ornate diction. 

Modern Poetry's Characteristic

- Individual perspective came in the existence. 
- Development in Science and politics .
- Stream of consciousness seemed. 
- Experiments became necessary. 
- More question seemed open ending. 
- Loss of faith. 
- Chaos also takes place. 
- Passion for humanity. 
- Marxist influence. 
- Art for life's sake. 

1. T.E. Hulme 's The Embankment : 

The Embankment is the modern poem by T.E. Hulme. In this poem, Hulme is talk about falling of man. How man's thought work, how lust (Negative thought) leads man towards the decayed, because of this kind of addiction his life is now became totally dull and now the question arises of existenve. so the hopeless man prays to the God to gice the shelter of sky. or we can interpret that may be he wants t die or tries to hide himself.

2. Joseph Campbell 's Darkness :

One can find a beautiful use of modern image in this poem such as 'Boghole' and also the modern metaphor like 'Silver ribbon'. In darkness everything is invisible. this poem was written during 20th century. there was great impact of two world wars. and perhaps darkness indicates the horror and terror of wars. in this condition poet wants the light. but there is no ultimate solution of darkness(War). it is just an illusion and that is 'Silver ribbon' so poet look at it and made a poem.

3. Image- by Edward Storer

In this poem, poet used the symbol of "white moon" as it connects the heart of two lover, but poet here used it in opposite side that it burns lovers and they can't chaste with each other. Their loneliness is there though they are together. So, here we can interpret that modernist think that we all are alone in crowd.

4."In a station of the Metro" - Ezra Pound

The word of title, “Metro” is clearly suggests the hasty lifestyle of modern civilization." Apparition" is modern metaphor which is given to the human faces.In second line it connects the man with nature..This poem evokes the mortality of human life.. “These faces in the Crowd” suggests,that they are together but isolated."Petals on a wet"is a modern image.The metaphor of “wet, black bough” suggests that they are from same tree which are constantly moving,growing and changing...

5. Hlida Doolittle , H.D : " The Pool "

This poem is one of the most famous and widely discussed imagist poems. It about face to face with her reflection in the water of a rock pool. The speaker spots something in the pool , wonders it is alive , touches it . It like a sea - fish , then covers with a net . She wondering what this thing is,

Are you alive ? : self - discover , reflection which is banded one .

6. “Insouciance”- Richard Aldington

This poem has many contrasting images. There has shown the ups and downs of human life. In our life we do unwillingly some work without any purpose so we get failure. Here these two words "trudging" and "cheerity" gives the image of life.

7. Morning at the Window by T. S. Eliot

The whole poem has negative words. The word "Ratting" means vibrating shaking plates. Damp means in low spirits from loss of hope or courage.

8. the red wheelbarrow by William carols Williams

this poem 's title is established to the word of wheelbarrow , its ' small cart , then the small cart is using to ground and this cart was related nature so in this poem see to type of emotion negative and positive .

9. Anecdote of the jar by Wallace Stevens.

Anecdote of the Jar is an imagist poem in which Stevens explores the question of the superiority between art and nature: Is nature superior to human creations, or does human creativity surpasses nature in some way? This is an age-old and puzzling question. This poem solves the riddle by recognizing the unique differences between art and nature: art may sometimes be more beautiful than nature but it cannot be as creative as the nature.

10. “I, by E.E Cummings

Cummings was an American poet, painter, essayist, author and play wright. Structure of poem also suggest fall by loneliness as many characters are separated from each other and for make a word they have to be together. Here poet talks about leaf which is lonely means all other lives are already left the tree. Tree is barren and the only leaf is remain which also falls because of loneliness. This poem also shows that how a lonely human can not survive. It also reminds me the short story by O’ Henry, “The Last Leaf” that how the last leaf is symbol of hope and it falls the hope also dies. May be here poet also wants to talk about dead hope.